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IDEACLINICS – Uberization of Healthcare

Ideaclinics Home Health

IDEACLINICS HOME CARE is set to disrupt the healthcare industry as a more efficient system in the healthcare outside hospital setting. Uberization of healthcare with complete integration of technology, particularly with chat GPT clinical decision software offers tremendous benefits for patients and doctors

Virtualization as a solution

Given the alarming forecast of the mismatch between providers and seekers of health which fortunately is not due to shortage of medical professionals, IDEACLINICS HOME CARE is trying to bring about changes to tighten the ship and optimize the healthcare services that are currently available. A new idea that is currently gaining momentum as a long-term solution to these shortcomings is virtualization and Uberization of Healthcare, significantly so by utilizing the benefits of the newly launched chat GPT.

Uberization of Healthcare

Currently, most cities in India are facing difficulties in seeking medical help. Though cities in India have no shortage of medical professionals, the inconvenience of visiting a hospital or a clinic, travel time, traffic and parking problems and costs of hospital care is hindering seeking health care.  With a significant section of youth immigrating abroad, their parent generation entering the age of retirement and chronic ailments affecting an increasing number of people, there is significant discrepancy between the demand and availability of doctors and this gap is predicted to increase exponentially in the near future as immigration of the youth of India increases. This is leading to people in cities postponing hospital or clinic visits until emergencies strike. 

What is Uberization of Healthcare?

Similar to the Uber App revolutionizing the taxi industry, the Uberization of Healthcare can revolutionize the healthcare sector and provide cost effective and convenient healthcare services to patients regardless of where they are located. Further integrating chat GPT enabled AI can further ensure standardized quality care. Uberization of Healthcare is a situation where the healthcare professional is able to reach out to the patient as and when required, using the power of technology and the internet. The concept of Uberization of Healthcare is simple and effective with the use of mobile phones, the internet, mobile apps, Chat GPT and GPS, patients will be able to contact medical professionals as per their convenience. The medical professionals can provide remote treatment or emergency services, if the need arises, without the patients having to step out of their homes.

Why is Uberization of Healthcare significant?

Currently, one cannot contact a physician immediately unless they visit a hospital which is expensive. People have to travel, wait and seek help just to see a doctor. For example, there is an average of 2 crore Indians residing at Hyderabad. This would translate to few lakh patient visits per doctor per year. All these statistics add up to a sub-optimal delivery of healthcare services for the patients and a heavy load on the available Junior doctors. The concept of Uberization of Healthcare can ease the load on patient care and provide employment to junior doctors, nurses, physician assistants and improve the availability of healthcare for the patients in a number of ways:

Uberization & Improved access to medical professionals

The Uberization of Healthcare will soon be the most common way of seeking healthcare. The concept of IDEACLINICS HOME HEALTH app is very much uber-like; you log in a request through the app, which has a group of doctors of different specializations and the first doctor to respond gets the home visit, video call. This way patients and doctors can avoid planning, travelling and crowded waiting rooms. The consultation is almost real time, and it doesn’t matter where the patient and doctor are located. Finally, this solution is very simple because everyone has access to a smart device and internet connection in India.

How IDEACLINICS Home Health App works?

IDEACLINICS is integrating healthcare outside hospitals by connecting all stakeholders of health, whether it’s the patients, nurses, health coaches, physiotherapists, junior doctors. This not only simplifies things for the patient and the doctor, but it also eliminates the possibility of human error and eliminates having to wait for hours just to get an appointment. In this scenario, if a patient gets sick, all he/she has to do is to open the app on the mobile phone and place a request. All the programming in the app ensures for the patient to be added to the doctor’s schedule along with both the doctor and the patient getting notified with the details of the appointment. This totally removes the need for a person to worry about their healthcare needs and help them focus on their profession and family.

IDEACLINICS Mobile Home Health App

Leveraging the innovation and incredible development in AI and Machine Learning technologies, IDEACLINICS is creating a system where a healthcare provider can remotely diagnose a patient’s condition, provide them with a evidence based, guideline based scientifically approved treatment plan, monitoring or follow up or dispatch a healthcare professional with portable diagnostic equipment and pharmacy in case of emergencies. This will not only optimize emergency medical services but also increase the convenience of availing medical services for older, non-mobile patients and minimize cost by avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations.


(Condition specific – Doctor Led – AI Driven Health Care) Value-based healthcare is an approach to healthcare that focuses on delivering the best possible outcomes

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